
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
Pacific War Podcast 🎙️ Things you may not know about the attack on Pearl Harbor
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
In this full documentary you will learn about things you didn't know about the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Craig from the Pacific War channel and Scott from the @SFRProductions channel discuss five things you probably didn't know about the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Did you know prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor, Japan had sent a spy named Takeo Yoshikawa to investigate potential targets?
Did you know the first attacks on Pearl Harbor did not come from above, but rather from down below? Five midget submarines attempted to sneak into Pearl Harbor to torpedo the battleships and their fate was quite the mystery for many many years.
Did you know the first things hit during the attack on Pearl Harbor were not the warships at anchor, but rather the military facilities and airfields around Oahu? It often goes unnoticed, but the multiple airfields and facilities containing Pearl Harbors defensive capabilities were struck first by bombers.
Did you know Scott Freund found never before seen footage of the USS Arizona exploding during the attack on Pearl Harbor? We look into the story behind the footage and how it illuded historians for countless years. Lastly, the age old conspiracy theory about the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Advance Knowledge Conspiracy. Is there any credible evidence to support the theory?

Friday Jun 09, 2023
Friday Jun 09, 2023
This Pacific War Podcast covers Alternate History of the Pacific War featuring Cody from @AlternateHistoryHub
Alternate History and the Pacific War are two things that often go hand in hand. There are so many what if's when it comes to the Pacific War: what if pearl harbor never happened? What if Japan invaded the USSR? What if Japan won the battle of Midway? What if the Japanese home islands were invaded?
What if the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor went differently, or what if it never happened at all? What would the United States do if Japan simply never attacked them? How would Japan go about WW2 trying not to attack America, would they lash out at the USSR, or perhaps just against China, Great Britain and the Netherlands? Was it even possible for America to sit out of the Pacific War?
What if Japan did not surrender the way they did in 1945? Why did Japan surrender in the first place, was it the Nuclear bombs, or more so the USSR's invasion of Manchuria? If Japan did not surrender when they did, would Operation Downfall, the invasion of the Japanese home islands actually become a reality? What if the USSR invaded the home islands, such as Hokkaido? Would we see a split Japan akin to what happened to Germany after WW2?
How insane was the Man in the High Castle, or even Henry Turtle Dove novels on alternate Pacific war history? Was there any chance of a Japanese or axis victory during WW2? What were the major events that changed history so to say? What could have been a victory for Japan or Germany during WW2? What if Japan simply never entered the war? Was war between Japan and America inevitable, almost fate?
What if Japan won the battle of Midway? Was such a thing possible and if so, what would have happened afterwards? Could the war have been turned around with such a victory? How much does a single battle or event change global history?

Friday Jun 02, 2023
Pacific War Podcast 🎙️ Canada’s role in the Pacific War with Brad St.Croix
Friday Jun 02, 2023
Friday Jun 02, 2023
This Pacific War Podcast covers Canada's participation during the Pacific War (WW2) featuring @OTDMilitaryHistory
The Battle of Hong Kong was fought from December 8-25th of 1941 and is one of the first battles of the Pacific War. The Empire of Japan attacked the British Crown Colony of Hong Kong without declaring war against Britain. The Hong Kong garrison consisted of British, Indian, Chinese and Canadian units. Brad St.Croix helps explain why the battle occurred, what occurred during the battle, what occurred after the battle and what was the Canadian experience.
The Aleutian Islands campaign saw Canada enter the fray during the Battle of Kiska. Operation Cottage saw the invasion of Kiska by a combined American/Canadian force, but there was not Japanese to be found. The Japanese had miraculous evacuated the island without the allies knowing, thus when they came to invade all they found were booby traps.
Canada like the United States interned Japanese during WW2. Japanese-Canadians like the famous scientist David Sazuki underwent years of internment making for a dark period of Canadian history. Many of the interned Japanese-Canadians would leave Canada or emigrate east to places like Toronto after the war was over.
The HMCS Uganda was a Canadian ship that served in the Pacific, until they took a vote and the crew elected to not participate any longer. Called a "mutiny" it was a rather embarrassing moment for Canada. Lastly Canada was going to be part of Operation Downfall, as part of the sub operation Cornet. But the war ended before the invasion of the Japanese home islands could occur.
Dr. Brad St.Croix has a PhD in history and did his dissertation on the Battle of Hong Kong. He studies and creates videos with a strong emphasis on Canadian military history.

Friday May 26, 2023
Pacific War Podcast 🎙️ The Battle of Hong Kong with Brad St.Croix
Friday May 26, 2023
Friday May 26, 2023
This Pacific War Podcast is a full rundown of the Battle of Hong Kong that occurred during the Pacific War (WW2)
The Battle of Hong Kong was fought from December 8-25th of 1941 and is one of the first battles of the Pacific War. The Empire of Japan attacked the British Crown Colony of Hong Kong without declaring war against Britain. The Hong Kong garrison consisted of British, Indian, Chinese and Canadian units. Brad St.Croix helps explain why the battle occurred, what occurred during the battle, what occurred after the battle and what was the Canadian experience.
The Canadian Army (C Forec) consisted of a battalion of the Royal Rifles of Canada (From Quebec) and one from the Winnipeg Grenadiers (From Manitoba) alongside a brigade headquarters. When Hong Kong fell on December 25th of 1941, infamously known as Black Christmas, the surviving allied garrison units became POW's. The POW's faces years of brutality and many perished as a result.
The Battle of Hong Kong saw multiple cases of war crimes, atrocities such as the St Stephen's College Massacre and many myths were perpetuated about the battle overall. Brad St.Crois goes into depth about why these myths persist and why documentaries such as "The Valour and the Horror " don't do the real history justice.
Dr. Brad St.Croix has a PhD in history and did his dissertation on the Battle of Hong Kong. He studies and creates videos with a strong emphasis on Canadian military history. Please check out Brad St.Croix's Youtube Channel @OTDMilitaryHistory and also find him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/OTDCanMilHis

Friday Apr 21, 2023
Friday Apr 21, 2023
This Podcast covers the firebombing campaign against Japan during the Pacific War and how it evolved during the Cold War
What was the firebombing campaign against the Japanese home islands during the Pacific War? When did the firebombing start, how did it end? How effective was the firebombing campaign versus other strategies adopting by the allies such as sea mining, targeting of Japan's merchant shipping, the USSR's invasion of Manchuria and the two atomic bomb attacks against Hiroshima and Nagasaki? What was the rationale of firebombing the Japanese home islands? Was it morally right to do? Who was Curtis LeMay and how did he take what he learnt during the War in Europe and Pacific War onwards into the Cold War? How did firebombing become strategic bombing post WW2?
In this podcast we are talking with Dave of @TheColdWarTV channel. The Pacific War and Cold War share a lot of similarities and in many ways can be seen as an extension of another. The Pacific War ushering in the atomic age of the Cold War and there are many who argue the first shots of the Cold War were the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Friday Sep 09, 2022
Pacific War Podcast 🎙️Guadalcanal Medal of Honor’s with Dave Holland
Friday Sep 09, 2022
Friday Sep 09, 2022
In this Podcast, Dave Holland from Guadalcanal Walking a Battlefield goes over many of the Medals of Honor earned during the Guadalcanal campaign. We talk about: Merritt Edson, Kenneth Bailey, Douglas Munro, John Basilone, Mitchell Paige, Anthony Casamento, Charles Davis, William Fournier and Lewis Hall.
Dave Holland is a former US Marine and has worked on Guadalcanal for a few years giving tours of the battlefields. He has found countless artifacts from the battalion and has pin pointed many locations where Medals of Honor were earned.
Please check out his Youtube Channel: Guadalcanal Walking a Battlefield to see some exciting videos on him walking the very grounds where some of the most brutal fighting of the Pacific War occurred!

Friday Jun 24, 2022
Pacific War Podcast 🎙️ The May Fourth Movement of 1919 + Discussion
Friday Jun 24, 2022
Friday Jun 24, 2022
This Pacific War Podcast is about the May Fourth Movement of 1919, one of the most significant events in modern Chinese history
➡️ This Pacific War Podcast will discuss the May Fourth Movement of 1919. The May Fourth Movement was the Chinese public's response to their governments weak response to the Treaty of Versailles and Shandong problem.
➡️ This Pacific War Podcast will discuss how China was undergoing the century of humiliation at the hands of the western powers and Empire of Japan. Students began to protest the government demanding reforms. This led to the "new cultural movement" and "may fourth movement".
➡️ This Pacific War Podcast will discuss how the May Fourth Movement marked a turning point in Chinese History. The public sought to replace traditional Confucian values and modernize China. The idea's put forward by the movement shaped China into what it is today.
➡️ This Pacific War Podcast will discuss how the May Fourth Movement led to the birth of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the resurrection of the Kuomintang (KMT) and the Warlord Era.
➡️ The Pacific War Podcast features Craig & Justin

Friday Jun 03, 2022
Friday Jun 03, 2022
This Pacific War Podcast asks why the War in Europe (WW2) is more popular than the Pacific War?
➡️ This Pacific War Podcast will discuss 10 major reasons why the war in Europe is more popular than the Pacific War. There are countless reasons as to why WW2 in Europe seems to overshadow the Pacific War. The War in Europe had more actors and history in general has always been dominated by eurocentrism.
➡️ This Pacific War Podcast will discuss how the terrible brutality of the Pacific War made it difficult to talk about. This brutality was not limited to the combat, but also the disease and starvation felt which led many veterans to not want to talk about the Pacific War. Japanese in general prefer to forget about the event and tend to simply not talk about it.
➡️ This Pacific War Podcast goes into the morality question about the Pacific War vs the war in Europe, the Pacific War after all was an" ugly war". We also talk about how the Pacific War was a Race War. The geography of the Pacific War was confusing and the Europe First Strategy had influence on the publics view of it. Lastly we talk about how the Pacific War reminds many of countless failures.
➡️ The Pacific War Podcast features Craig & Ian

Friday May 13, 2022
Pacific War Podcast 🎙️ The Hilarious world of the Man in the High Castle
Friday May 13, 2022
Friday May 13, 2022
This Pacific War Podcast is about the hilarious world of Man in the high castle
➡️ This Pacific War Podcast will discuss the how the Axis powers won WW2 in the world of the man in the high castle, the hilarious and silly world of man in the high castle TV series and the novel by Philip K Dick and the meaning behind the novel itself.
➡️ This Pacific War Podcast will discuss the key divergent points in the alternate history behind the story of the man in the high castle, what were the most significant historical turning points that created this world. How does this world mirror our own, what about the "other" world inside the man in the high castle, "the grasshopper lies heavy"?
➡️ This Pacific War Podcast compares the man in the high castle TV series with the novel written by Philip K Dick. What are the major differences? What themes remain the same, how does the man in the high castle relate to other novels by Philip K Dick, such as do Androids dream about Electric sheep?
➡️ This Pacific War Podcast will lastly discuss the meaning behind the man in the high castle, its themes, influences and what Philip K Dick was trying to show the reader.
➡️ The Pacific War Podcast features Craig & Eric

Friday Apr 29, 2022
Friday Apr 29, 2022
This podcast explores how Ukraine and Korea both struggled to exist under the USSR and Empire of Japan as part of #ProjectUkraine
➡️ This podcast explains the tumultuous history of Ukraine during 1917-1923 when the War of Ukrainian Independence occurred. The new Soviet Union, White Russian Army, Poland and Germany all fought to take control over Ukraine. The Central Rada in Kyiv fought a rival Bolshevik government in Kharkov, but ultimately Ukraine was forced to join the Soviet Union as the SSR.
➡️ This podcast explains the tumultuous history of Korea during 1870-1910 when the powers of the Russian Empire, Qing Dynasty and Empire of Japan fought to control the nation. This led to the First Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 and ultimately the annexation of Korea in 1910.
➡️ This podcast explains the tragic history of Ukraine during 1923-1941 whereupon initial Ukrainization under the Korenizatsiya gradually became Russification under Joseph Stalin. Stalin forced collectivization upon Ukraine, leading to the terrible Holodomor and an attempt to destroy Ukrainian culture, language, identity and its existence as a state.
➡️ This podcast explains the tragic history of Korea during 1910-1941 whereupon the Empire of Japan colonized and exploited Korea. While the Empire of Japan promoted some Korean culture, language and education, this eventually was replaced with rigid assimilation until Korea broke free of Japan at the end of WW2.
➡️ To donate to the Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Centre⤵️: https://donation.babynyar.org/en/